
Meningitis is the inflammation of the meninges, the layer that guards the brain and spinal cord. This disease can have two different roots, bacterial or viral the bacterial; bacterial meningitis is more dangerous, it can be caused by various bacteria, but most cases are caused by the meningococcal bacteria.  It is to this day the most dangerous acute disease, because it has brought in time a number of casualties. Meningitis can affect both adult and children. However, commonly it affects more children than adults. Most people survive meningitis, but may suffer after effects such as headaches, hearing problems, fatigue, sight problems, poor concentration and co-ordination problems.


It occurs after suffering from wounds or diseases such as tonsils, skull fracture, tuberculosis, sore throat and head wound etc. Even Meningitis can be the result of a middle ear disease that spreads further to the brain, spinal cord or both.
Other more rare causes of meningitis are fungi, protozoa and a number of other bacteria and even rarer are the cases in which meningitis is a result of medication, cancer or another disease that can inflame the meninges.

Signs and Symptoms

The most common symptoms of meningitis are -stiffening of the neck, nose ear and throat infection, skin rash, high fever, headache etc. Coordination problems, intolerance towards loud sounds (phonophobia) and to bright light (photophobia) have also been reported in certain cases.
In infants under12 months include high fever, fretfulness, irritability - particularly when handled, difficulty awakening, drowsiness, difficulty feeding, and/or a stiff neck, or bulging fontanelle.
Older adults may have no signs or symptoms other than altered mental state and lethargy. Often they have no fever.


Most cases of meningitis are viral, but it can be hard to tell the difference without invasive testing. It is extremely important to determine the type of infection (and bacteria), because bacterial meningitis tends to be much more serious and requires emergency treatment. Viral meningitis usually clears up on its own and does not cause any permanent harm. Bacterial meningitis can cause brain damage, learning disabilities, hearing loss, or even death without treatment for the specific type of bacteria. Rarely, meningitis can be caused by fungal infections (cryptococcus). Viral meningitis may require only home treatment, while bacterial meningitis is a medical emergency requiring hospitalization, strong intravenous antibiotics, and possibly other meningitis treatments.


There are number of herbal remedies that can help treat meningitis. Some herbs may help support your immune system; although there is no evidence they can prevent or treat meningitis. Meningitis is a medical emergency and should never be treated with herbs alone. Natural herbal supplements for meningitis don't have to substitute therapeutic medication. However, supporting the body with natural treatments works wonders for strength and boosting immunity. Here are a few top natural treatment solutions:


1.Cat’s Claw

In meningitis the first job is to take down the inflammation because an unbridled inflammation of the spinal column and brain may create the circumstance worsened. For this you require strong anti-inflammatory ingredients. In cat’s claw you will cause such an ingredient. Paired with that cat’s claw has strong immune boosting properties.The extract from this woody vine native to Central and South America that has been utilized for quite a few centuries as a remedy for inflammations. Cat's claw (Uncaria tomentosa) standardized extract, 20 mg 3 times a day, for inflammation and immune stimulation. You can take cat’s claw pills and capsules in the local pharmacy stores. Nevertheless, if you are suffering from leukemia or autoimmune disease you should desist from holding this herb.


Ginseng is a storehouse of essential nutrients, trace elements, and enzymes, help to control and treat meningitis. Moreover, it works as a restorative tonic for the body in general and the psyche in particular. It is also useful in distress and relaxing the brain. Moreover, it will give you an energy boost. So take ginseng extracts regularly.It has been discovered that many kids suffering from meningitis get convulsions. It takes place in the track of the body’s battle against meningitis. To handle and prevent convulsions you can use ginseng. It has been discovered that this ancient.


This herb contains a compound known as hyperforin. This compound is antibacterial and antiviral in nature. Yet, the most important property of this herbaceous plant is that it can cut through the blood brain barrier. Specifically because of this property Hypericum can deliver the decisive punch to the bacteria responsible for meningitis. You can take Hypericum extract regularly.


Chlorella is a tiny plant that contains contains more quantity of chlorophyll, which carries oxygen around the blood and prepares the red blood cell count. Chlorophyll is the 'green blood' of all plant life and has a chemical structure very similar to haemoglobin, our own red blood molecules. It cleanses and purifies the blood stream.  Chlorella contains more than 20 vitamins and minerals, - all in highly 'bio-available’ form. The vitamins and minerals that are found in Chlorella can be easily assimilated and digested completely unlike the synthetically produced supplements. A superb natural remedy during the recovery from Meningitis.

5.Reishi Mushroom

The Reishi mushroom has been known by the herbalists as the mushroom of immortality and has the ability to further boost the immune system. The Reishi mushroom is used, according to the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, to stimulate the immune system of patients suffering from HIV infection and cancer.
The extract is derived from the cap and stem of the mushroom with the scientific name Ganoderma Lucidum. 150 - 300 mg 2 - 3 times daily, for inflammation and for immunity. You may also take a tincture of this mushroom extract, 30 - 60 drops 2 - 3 times a day. High doses of Reishi can have blood pressure lowering and blood-thinning effects, and may dangerously increase the effect of blood-thinning medications, such as warfarin (Coumadin) and aspirin.

6.Olive Leaf

Olive leaves contain a substance called oleuropein, which is an extremely good antioxidant. It can eliminate free radicals from the body, helping to prevent damage to cells. Moreover, after being processed by the body it turns into elenoic acid that is very effective in preventing the division and growth of bacteria, which makes it effective against infections. Take extracts of olive leaf regularly along with prescribed medicines.It can be used in dried, liquid, or capsule form as a natural treatment for meningitis. Olive leaf standardized extract, 250 - 500 mg 1 - 3 times daily, for antibacterial or antifungal activity and immunity. During the active infection Olive Leaf Extract would provide some natural support for medical treatment, but should not be considered as an alternative.


Garlic is an effective natural treatment against meningitis because of its anti-viral and bactericidal properties.  Preliminary research suggests that oral plus intravenous garlic may help manage symptoms of cryptococcal meningitis, a fungal infection that commonly occurs in HIV patients. Garlic contains an amino acid called alliin, which is a potent antibiotic and also forms other active components once in the body. Garlic helps to stimulate the immune system by increasing T cells (a type of white blood cell that contributes to immunity) and restoring antibody responses that were repressed.
For this matter, give patient three to four cloves of garlic every day or juice from 3 cloves of garlic should be taken along with fruit or vegetable juice. Garlic can have a blood-thinning effect and may increase the effect of blood-thinning medications, such as warfarin (Coumadin) and aspirin. Garlic can interact with some medications, including some HIV medications. Avoid in supplemental doses if pregnant or breastfeeding. Speak with your doctor.


This herb should be applied during the recovery phase only, not while fever or any other signs of acute infection are present and continue utilizing it a while after the symptoms have settled. Astragalus (Astragalus membranaceous), with its rich concentration of trace minerals and micronutrients, will help strengthen the child's immune system. Give the child one dose, three times a day, for two weeks.

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