Sleep is the most crucial component of our overall health and fitness, which is often expected to naturally. But the amazing truth is that a major world population is suffering from several Sleep Disorders like Insomnia wandering how to sleep quickly. Adults need an average of seven to nine hours of sleep a night, but insomnia can keep them from getting the sleep they need. Insomnia is the most common sleep disorder. The problem is quite critical but the solution is simple. Some small changes to your lifestyle naturally can help you gain a smart sleep. There's no magic trick to treating insomnia, but some of the natural home remedies outlined here might just be the recipe you need to get back to sleep.


1-Poppy, Lettuce, Sesame Seeds, Almonds, Bamboo Manna

Make a fine powder each of 20 gm Poppy seeds (Khaskhas), Almond kernels (Badam), Pumpkin or Gourd kernels (Maghaz Kaddu Shirin or Ghiya Kaddu), White Sesame Seeds (Sufaid Till) Sugar Candy (Misri) and each of 10 gm Lettuce seeds (Tukhme Kahu), Bamboo Manna (Tabasheer) and save in a vessel and take 2 tsp along with lukewarm milk or mix in a glass of hot milk. This is a highly beneficial and trial prescription for insomnia.

2-Pumpkin,Poppy,Lettuce Seeds,Almonds,Bamboo Manna

Make a fine powder of each of 20 gm roasted Coriander seeds (Dhania), roasted Poppy seeds(Khaskhas), Lettuce seeds (Tukhme Kahu), Almond kernels (Badam),Sugar Candy (Misri) and  each of 10 gm Pumpkin or Gourd kernels(Maghaz Kaddu Shirin or Ghiya Kaddu), Sandal wood sawdust (Sandal Burada), Bambu Manna (Tabasheer)and save in a vessel and take 2 tsp along with lukewarm milk or mix in a glass of hot milk. This is a highly beneficial and trial treatise for insomnia.

3-Extracted Milk of Poppy seeds

Consuming 2-3 tbs extracted milk of Poppy seeds (Khuskhas) mixed with Honey or Sugar is beneficial in reducing Insomnia related sleeping ailments. Take this natural remedy at night before going to bed. Or Soak one table spoon Poppy seed in hot boiling milk leave it for 10-15 minutes after straining  drink milk by adding honey or sugar to taste. You can also consume Poppy seeds along with milk. This is a highly beneficial and trial treatment to sleep fast.

4-Vanillas extract, Cinnamon powder, Milk

Heat a glass of Milk to the point just before it boils (frothy on top) then add 1 teaspoon of Vanilla extract ,1 level tsp of Sugar and sprinkle ½ tsp Cinnamon powder on top stir very well and drink while hot. You'll be out in no more than 15-20 minutes.

5-Nutmeg powder, Milk, Sugar

Mix well ½ tsp Nutmeg powder (Jaifal) in a cup of hot boiling Milk and Sugar to taste and drink while hot. Nutmeg and hot milk are natural sedatives that will help you sleep.

6-Cinnamon powder, Milk, Honey

A combination of a cup of hot Milk, ½ tsp Cinnamon and 1 tbs Honey is useful natural home remedy used to get rid of sleeping ailments.

7-Nigella seeds oil, Honey, Milk

Mix well one teaspoon Nigella seeds oil (Kalonji) and Honey in glass hot Milk and consume before going to bed it will relax your brain nerves and you sleep fast.

8-Poppy seed oil, Sugar, Milk

Stir well one tablespoon Poppy seed oil (Khuskhas) and Sugar to taste in a cup of hot Milk and drink you will sleep well. This is a 99% trial treatment of insomnia.

9-Quince seeds, Goat Milk, Apple juice

Put 10 gm Quince seeds (Bhi Dana) in muslin small bag (Potli) now bring 2-3 boils ½ kg Goat Milk by putting this bag then remove Quince seeds bag and add 750 gm fresh Apple juice in it after consuming it you sleep fast. This works very quickly in the treatment of insomnia.

10-Cardamoms, Coriander seeds, Pumpkin kernels, Sugar Candy

Make a fine powder each of 10 gm Green cardamoms (Elaich), Coriander seeds (Dhania) and Pumpkin or Gourd kernels (Maghaz Kaddu Shirin or Ghiya Kaddu) Sugar Candy (Misri) or Bambu Manna (Tabasheer) and save in a vessel. Take 1table spoon along with a cup of lukewarm milk or water before bed. It is a most effective & magical remedy to cure Sleep Disorders like Insomnia..

11-Basil seeds, Milk, Sugar

Before sleeping soak one table spoon Basil seeds (Tukme Malanga) in fresh water for 15 minutes after straining add one glass cold or lukewarm milk and sugar and drink it. This remedy is most effective in summer.

12-Banana, Honey, Cumin seeds

Mash a Banana in a bowl and add 1-2 pinches roasted Cumin seeds powder and Honey or Sugar to taste mix these together and take it after dinner. This mixture will help your body induce sleep.

13-Warm milk, Honey

Drinking a glass of warm milk (especially Cow and Goat) mixed with Honey is one of the oldest yet effective natural home remedies for Sleeping Disorders as like Insomnia in small children it induces sleep. The tryptophan in milk elevates the important chemical serotonin in the brain, with the result that you fall asleep naturally and quickly.

14-Jambul seeds, Sugar Candy

Make a fine powder of dried and peeled Jambul seeds (Maghaz Jamun) and Sugar Candy (Misri) in same quantity as required and save in vessel. Take 1 tsp once in morning and once in evening along with fresh water before bed. This is another instant and natural remedy to get rid of insomnia.

15-Fruit Salad, Tomatoes, Onion

Fruit Salad (Fruit Chaat) is highly beneficial for refreshing sleep. OR If you can't sleep easily cut 1-2 red Tomatoes and sprinkle Sugar and eat before sleep you will sleep smarter OR start taking Onion (Piyaz) in your dinner daily.

16-Coriander juice, Lettuce juice, Lemon juice

Drink 20 gm extracted juice of fresh Coriander leaves or  fresh Lettuce leaves juice by adding Sugar to taste at bed time is a valuable natural home remedy for sleeping troubles as it induces healthy sleep. A little bit of Lemon juice can also be added in these juices to improve their taste.

17-Dill leaves, Lavender

Put two small bunches of Dill (Soa sag) leaves on both sides of your pillow. Or tuck a Lavender sachet under your pillow before leaving for the day. When you come home you will sleep better or Sprinkle crushed lavender on your pillow. You can also rub it on your neck and chest.  These are successful natural remedies for victims of sleeplessness.

18-Poppy Seeds oil, Lavender oil

Simply dab a bit of the Poppy Seeds (Khuskhas) oil or Lavender (Ustukuddus) oil onto your temples and forehead with soft finger tips before you hit the pillow. The aroma should help send you off to sleep.

19-Feet Soles Massage with Mustard oil

Before going to sleep massage your feet soles with Mustard oil (Sarson) for 5 minutes, it’ll finish your sleep deprivation.

20-Tarragon Broth

Tarragon or Dragon wort an aromatic herb is a very popular culinary herb used as flavoring agent. Boil Tarragon leaves for 40 minutes When lukewarm, drink the broth. Sure to help you sleep it helps to cure Sleeping Disorders like Insomnia.

21-Black Nightshade, Jaggery Decoction

Extract juice from fresh and green Black Nightshade (Makoh / Mako) the leaves and stem, in doses of 6 to 8 ml either it can be used as decoction .The juice of the leaves can be mixed with medium like coconut water, coconut milk, butter-milk, cow's milk and fruit juice. Most effective natural remedy to relief from Insomnia.

22-Gilgiti Valerian

Gilgiti Valerian /Indian Valerian (Mushkbala) aids sleep, often as well as pharmaceutical sedatives and without being addictive. Research strongly supports that valerian works. It's been used widely and safely for hundreds of years. It takes a week or more to begin noticing benefit. Also, raw valerian root smells and tastes terrible "like funky socks,” so pills are more palatable.

23-Avoid Caffeinated Beverages, Alcohol, Nicotine

Don’t drink water or other fluids like cocoa, caffeine, teas, caffeinated soda, and coffee especially chocolate, which contains caffeine a stimulant that causes alertness and elevates your mood one hour before you go to sleep. It will reduce the quality of your sleep. If you smoke within four hours of your bedtime, look no further for the cause of your insomnia. Nicotine stimulates the central nervous system, interfering with your ability to fall asleep and stay that way.

24-Never Sleep with Empty Stomach

Avoid going to bed on an empty stomach and full stomach it may interrupt your sleep. Avoid foods high in carbohydrates or sugar, but foods like yogurt, soy beans, tuna, and peanuts contain tryptophan, which can help the body produce serotonin in order to relax. It has been shown that sugary foods eaten 30 minutes before bedtime can act as a tranquilizer and sedative. Avoid sleeping on your stomach it requires you to twist your sideways or upward, which puts strain on your neck and spine.

25-Take a Warm Bath

Try taking a hot bath with lavender oil before bed to relax your body and mind. Add 5-8 drops lavender oil to warm bathwater and enjoy a nice soak. Use bath salts, or throw in Epsom salts and baking soda—one cup of each. These will relax you and also help remove toxins from your body. Before sleeping dip your feet in salty lukewarm water for few minutes. It‘ll remove your sleep disorder quickly.

Natural Fitness Tips
Natural Fitness Tips

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