Frequent applications of nerve healing, anti-inflammatory, and muscle relaxing herbal infused oils provide additional help. Instead of paying for the arthritis cream at the store, try making your own. It offers great peace of mind to know what exactly you are absorbing into your skin, and it’s rewarding to make yourself. Most homemade Herbal infused oils and Analgesic topical creams, gels or rubs are safe and free of adverse side effects when used properly. The ingredients for homemade natural remedies can be purchased at grocery and health food stores and many may already be stocked in your pantry. Here are some highly beneficial homemade Herbal infused oils and Analgesic topical creams, gels or rubs to help treat Arthritis, Sciatica and Slipped disc naturally at home by reducing pain level.


1-Mango Ginger, Wild Pomegranate, Aloe Vera Pulp

Make a fine powder of 1 part Mango Ginger (Amba Haldi) 1 part Wild Pomegranate (Mughas /Maida Lakri) and make a paste by adding ¼ part Aloe Vera (Gheekawar) Pulp paste and a little hot water. Slather petroleum jelly or Olive oil affected area. Spread a thick coat of paste on a piece of gauze or cotton cloth, and then apply over the affected greased-up area before sleep leave it on for overnight next morning rinse it off with lukewarm water.

2-Egg White and Dried Ginger

Make a paste of Eggs, Dried Ginger (Sonth) powder and Musabbar (The bitter yellow sap (Latex) from the base of the leaf of Aloe Vera when dried is known as “Bitter Aloes” and Dried Latex) in same quantity as required. Slather petroleum jelly or Olive oil affected area. Spread a thick coat of paste on a piece of gauze or cotton cloth, and then apply over the affected greased-up area before sleep leave it on for overnight next morning rinse it off with lukewarm water.

3-Cloves, Brinjal, Banaspati Ghee

Prick Cloves (Laung) in a pear-shaped immature green Brinjal (Bengan) and cover it fully but avoid upper green part hanging from one of branch of the plant. Let it fully mature to become an oval shape dark purple hanging on branch. Eggplants should be picked and fry its slices in Banaspati ghee till slices are burnt. Strain and keep in a bottle. Massage gently with lukewarm ghee on the joints and Back / Sciatica pain.

4-Sunflowers, Vinegar

Make a fine and smooth paste of Sunflowers by adding Vinegar and apply to leg for Sciatica pain for 7 days. 

5-Fresh Turmeric juice, Sesame oil

Simmer on a medium heat ½ litre extracted juice of fresh Turmeric (Haldi) in 1 litre pure Sesame (Til) or Olive oil until all juice evaporates let it cool and save. Apply to aching joints.

6-Jamba Oil / Bitter Mustard Oil, Iodex

Mix well Bitter Mustard /Jamba Oil (Tara Mira) and Iodex as required make a wonderful liniment to bathe afflicted joints.

7-Thorn Apple, Mustard oil

Simmer on a medium heat 4 Thorn Apple tree (Datura /Dhatura) fruits in 250 ml Mustard oil till the fruits are burnt. Strain and keep in a bottle. Massage gently with lukewarm oil on the joints.

8-Olive oil, Nigella seeds oil, Fish oil 

Mix well 9 parts pure Olive oil and one part Nigella seeds (Kalonji) oil and 7 parts Fish oil. Massage gently with lukewarm oil on the joints. The omega-3 fatty acids in fish oil have an anti-inflammatory effect in the body and can help reduce pain.

9-Dill leaves, Sesame oil

Boiling 30 gm Dill leaves (Soa Saag) in ½ litre Sesame (Til / Kunjad) oil and applying to the joints helps to alleviate pain and swelling.

10-Castor Oil plant root, Sesame oil

Boil 50 gm Castor Oil plant root (Arandi jarr) in 2 litres of water until reduced by half a litre. Strain and mix with 250 ml Sesame oil. Boil till the water evaporates and only the oil remains and keep in a bottle. Massage gently with lukewarm oil on the joints.

11-Nigella seeds, Fenugreek seeds

Pound coarsely each of 100 gm Nigella seeds (Kalonji) and Fenugreek seeds (Methi Dana) and Simmer on a medium heat in 1 kg  Sesame (Til / Kunjad) oil till the seeds are burnt. Strain and keep in a bottle. Massage gently with lukewarm oil on the painful joints.

12-Garlic, Mustard oil, Nigella seeds oil

Pound coarsely one organic medium Garlic bulb (Desi Lessan) and Simmer on a medium heat in 250 gm Mustard oil till the Garlic cloves are burnt. After filtering add same quantity of Nigella seeds (Kalonji) oil and keep in a bottle. Massage gently with lukewarm oil on the aching joints.

13-Mustard oil / Calotropis tree leaf

Spread warm Mustard oil on a Calotropis Procera tree leaf (Aak /Madar patta) and apply to the sore joint for a few hours.

14-Colchicum (Bitter), Celery Seeds, Indian Gentian, Sesame oil

Pound coarsely 10 gm Colchicum Bitter (Suranjan Talkh), 10 gm Celery Seeds (Tukhm Karafs), 10 gm Indian Gentian /Chirata (Chiraita Shirin) add in ½ litre Sesame (Til / Kunjad) oil. Simmer on a medium heat for 15-20 minutes let it cool after filtering save. Apply to painful joints.

15-Colchicum (Bitter), Nutmeg, Mace, Sesame oil

Pound coarsely 10 gm Colchicum (Bitter) (Suranjan Talkh), 10 gm Nutmeg, (Jaifal) 10 gm Mace (Javitri) boil in 2 cups of water for 15-20 minutes after filtering add½ litre Sesame (Til / Kunjad) or Olive oil. Simmer on a medium heat until all juice evaporates let it cool after filtering save. Apply to cure rheumatoid arthritis.

16-Mango Ginger, Alkanet Root, Staff tree Nutmeg, Sesame oil

Pound coarsely 2 Nutmeg (Jaifal) 6 gm Mace (Javitri) 6 gm Cloves (Laung) 10 gm Cinnamon (Dar Chini) 20 gm Dried Ginger (Sonth) 30 gm Carom seeds (Ajwain) 10 gm Alkanet Root (Ratan Jot )30 gm Mango Ginger (Amba Haldi) 6 gm Staff tree / Black-Oil tree (Malkangni) seeds 50 gm Lota saji (name of herb) and add in  1 litre Sesame (Til / Kunjad) oil. Simmer on a medium heat for 15-20 minutes let it cool after filtering save. Apply to afflicted joints.

17-Henbane, Dried Ginger, Calotropis flowers, Colchicum Bitter, Sesame oil

Pound coarsely each of 25 gm Henbane (Ajwain Khurasani) Dried Ginger (Sonth), Calotropis Procera tree flowers (Aak phool / Gule Madar), Colchicum Bitter (Suranjan Talkh), add 300 ml Sesame (Til) oil and boil till the powder is burnt. Strain and keep in a bottle.  Massage gently with lukewarm oil on the aching joints.

18-Carom Seeds, Wheat, Banaspati Ghee

Simmer on a medium heat 150 gm Carom Seeds (Ajwain) and 150 gm Wheat (Gandum) in 250 gm any Banaspati Ghee till the seeds and grains are burnt. Strain and keep in a bottle. Massage gently with lukewarm ghee on the painful joints.

19-Olive oil, Kerosene/Paraffin oil

Mix two parts pure Olive oil and one part Kerosene / Paraffin oil makes a wonderful liniment for afflicted joints.

20-Alum Powder, Hot Vinegar

Dissolve 20 gm Alum (Phatkari) Powder in lukewarm water and bathe afflicted joints. Or Rub the aching joints with Hot Vinegar before going to bed. Both are particularly good when dealing with rheumatoid arthritis.

21-Camphor, Methyl salicylate, Eucalyptus oil, Menthol

Mix Camphor (Kafoor), Methyl salicylate (Winter Green), Eucalyptus oil (Roghan Afsanteen) and Menthol to make a rubbing mixture for aches and pains.

22-Wintergreen, Chloroform, Rubbing Alcohol

Mix 1 oz. of oil of Wintergreen, 3 oz. Chloroform, and 12 oz. of Rubbing Alcohol makes a good rub. Or a good rub is made from 2 oz. each of Eucalyptus oil (Roghan Afsanteen), Wintergreen oil, Rubbing Alcohol and Witch hazel. Mix, shake, and rub on ache.

23-Wintergreen, Camphor, Soap Liniment

After heat treatment, rub down the sore joints with a mixture of 1/2 cup of Wintergreen mixed with 1-1/2 cups Camphor and Soap Liniment.

24-Aspirins, Rubbing Alcohol

Dissolve 100 Aspirins in 2 cups of Rubbing Alcohol will relieve sore joints when rubbed on three times a day.

25-Castor, Clove, Ginger Oils

For arthritis pain, simply rub some lukewarm Castor oil or Clove oil Or Ginger oil onto the joints that are inflamed both in the morning and at night. You may have to repeat this for a few days before seeing results.

26-Borage seed oil

The anti-inflammatory properties in borage seed oil can help relieve various symptoms of arthritis. Preliminary evidence suggests that gamma linolenic acid (GLA) has known anti-inflammatory effects that may make it beneficial in treating rheumatoid arthritis. Regularly massage borage seed oil onto the affected area to help heal tender and swollen joints.

27-Magnesium oil

There is magnesium oil that can be applied topically and absorbed through the skin. Try rubbing it on sore joints to relieve pain. Magnesium is something our bodies need, but we can’t make it ourselves. It is used in over 300 different biomechanical responses in our body. It relaxes all our muscles and nerve endings, relieving stiffness and pain. It is even part of what makes our heart beat. Not only does it relax muscles and ease pain (this goes for arthritis pain too, of course) it helps bones to mineralize.

28-Eucalyptus oil

An old traditional home remedy for arthritis pain requires the use eucalyptus oil. A small quantity of eucalyptus oil is warmed before applying it in a very thin layer over the painful joint. You would then cover the joint with a plastic wrap. Follow up by applying continuous heat to the joint with the help of steaming towels. This can be a relaxing pain relief routine that can prove beneficial at bedtime for maximum reduction of the arthritis pain.

29-Horseradish poultice

The depurative nature of horseradish may be why it is a longstanding folk remedy for gout and rheumatism .Horseradish stimulates blood flow, increasing warmth and circulation to cold muscles and joints when used externally as a rubefacient in plasters and poultices. Horseradish poultice helps against lumbago, sciatica or persistent cough, headaches and neuralgic pain. You should grease the affected place with oil, ointment or vaseline. Then Use fresh horseradish root. Process with enough hot water in a blender to make a thick paste. Soak a piece of thin cotton fabric in hot water, then spread the horseradish root mixture onto the cloth. Cover with a second layer of dry cotton fabric. Place the moist side of the poultice over a sore joint. The poultice remains on the skin until it begins to burn. Then remove the poultice, clean the skin and put ointment on it if required.

30-Turmeric powder, Dried Dinger powder, Olive oil

Mix together 3 cups of Almond or Olive oil, 3 tbs of Turmeric powder, and 2 tbs of Dried Dinger powder in a double boiler and stir until mixed thoroughly. Warm over medium heat for 5-10 minutes and then add in 1/2 cup of Beeswax. Stir until the beeswax has melted completely and everything is blended together, and then remove from heat and chill in the refrigerator for 10 minutes. After 10 minutes take it out and whisk it together and then refrigerate for another 10, blending it once more at the end. Put in a glass jar with a tightly fitting lid in the refrigerator for 10 days. Apply as needed for pain, but with this cream, rub in as much as you can and then let it dry before rinsing off. This cream includes the other notable anti-inflammatory and pain reducer’s turmeric and ginger.

31-Color Therapy Oils

This alternative medical treatment is fast becoming one of most effective treatment practices. In colour therapy, Arthritis treatment is very simple, easy and inexpensive. Unlike other therapies it requires less efforts and yields better results without any side effects. Take sesame oil (Til) or Olive oil and charge it in an Orange coloured glass bottle. Message the affected parts with this charged oil and cover them with red cello pine paper. Expose the affected parts to the morning sun for about 30 to 45 minutes. Perspiration is likely to appear. Dry the perspiration. Take a normal bath after about an hour of the end of the exposure of the affected parts to the sun. Similarly Flax seed / Linseed oil when charged in Red bottle and massaged daily is useful in curing arthritis, rheumatism.
While massaging the affected parts with the Blue bottle charged oil, spinal cord must also be massaged, from top to bottom, even if it is not directly affected. Similarly, if hands or feet have become crooked, those should be covered with red paper all round and exposed to the morning sun. When sunshine is not available or cannot to utilized then sit in front of a 60/100 watts bulb (no tube light) exposing the massaged part for double the time.
At night while going to sleep, massage the affected parts with the charged oil and apply heat with hot-water rubber bottle for about 20 minutes. Keep the feet warm. Do not walk after this. Red bed linen and red dress are recommended for the night.
For preparing sun-charged oil, take a glass bottle of the prescribed colour. Fill 1/2 of it with oil. Cork it. Put it on a wooden desk and in an open place exposed to the direct rays of the sun. Keep it there for a period of 40 days. It would be better if the bottle could be shifted inside after sunset. Shake the bottle once a day. Exposure of the oil to the rays of the sun for a period longer than indicated above increases their potency. Oil exposed for over a year is called "Magic Oil".

Natural Fitness Tips
Natural Fitness Tips

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