Roots are some of the most nutrient-dense vegetables on this planet. While each root contains its own set of health benefits, they share many of the same characteristics. Yams, beets, parsnips, turnips, rutabagas, carrots, yuca, kohlrabi, onions, garlic, celery root (or celeriac), horseradish, daikon, turmeric, jicama, Jerusalem artichokes, radishes, and ginger are all considered roots.
Root vegetables grow underneath the ground where they are able to absorb high amounts of minerals and other nutrients from the soil. They are also able to absorb important nutrients from the sun through their leaves.
They are packed with a high concentration of antioxidants, Vitamins C, B, A, and iron, helping to cleanse your system. They are also filled with slow-burning carbohydrates and fiber, which make you feel full, and help regulate your blood sugar and digestive system.
This factor, plus the high-octane nutrients and low calories, make roots excellent for people who are trying to lose weight, or simply stay healthy. Adding up all of the nutrient qualities, root vegetables are disease-fighting, immunity and energy-boosting, and are also extremely versatile in cooking.

Can Root Vegetables Help You Lose Weight?

Another great health benefit of eating root vegetables is that they can help you to lose unwanted weight. The high amounts of nutrients and soluble fiber will help satisfy your cravings for junk foods. And those cravings can make it nearly impossible to lose excess weight. The fiber also helps your digestive system and cleans it out to increase your energy levels.
One of the secrets to losing weight fast and easily is up your fiber intake. While you might be hesitant to include more root vegetables in your diet because they’re starchy and higher in carbs than other veggies, their fiber can actually help you lose weight because it fills you up.
But despite their stodgy reputation, they are not the threat to the waistline that you might think. Most root vegetables have a very low calorie count, as well as a slew of vitamins and nutrients to help keep you healthy.
Compared to grains, most root vegetables are lower in calories and lower on the glycemic index, which means they won’t spike your blood sugar as quickly or drastically.
The fiber in starchy veggies slows down the release of glucose (sugar), which is important for energy and insulin balance. Starchy vegetables eaten with a balanced meal can help control appetite and delay hunger cues, which is important for weight management, fighting cravings and reducing the risk of insulin resistance.

Eating Root Vegetables

Root vegetables can be eaten in just about any way imaginable and still taste great. The wide variety of flavors works well in a hearty vegetable soup, stew or casserole dish. You can bake steam or barbecue them, and serve them as a side dish for your favorite meat.
However, in order to obtain the maximum health benefits from them you should eat them in their raw state. You can eat them plain and by themselves, or mix them in with a salad, smoothie or vegetable juices.


1. Beetroots

Beetroot is a wonderful weight loss veggie. Beets are a good addition to your weight-loss program because they contain no fat. A powerhouse of vitamins and minerals, beets help maintain a healthy energized body beneficial to your diet.
The primary advantage of beets for weight loss is the low calorie content of this vegetable. Beetroot contain about 50 calories per cup and no cholesterol, making it a healthy choice for someone on a weight loss diet.
Beets contain a wealth of dietary fiber, half soluble and half insoluble. Both types play roles in fighting fat by maintaining proper bowel function and lowering cholesterol levels, advantageous for weight loss.
Beets also help to flush water from the system to effectively prevent and reduce water retention, which is often a cause for excess weight.
One of the general symptoms of a stressed liver is weight gain. A healthy functioning liver helps with weight loss by breaking down fats more efficiently.
Beetroot contain betaine, which promotes regeneration of liver cells and the metabolism of fat cells. Beet consumption will help to support the liver, bile ducts and gallbladder, influencing fat metabolism and helping to lower blood fat levels.
The high magnesium content in beets is excellent for helping to detoxify the body and beets for weight loss increase the metabolism.
Increased magnesium intake led to higher levels of testosterone, a hormone that can promote the loss of fat tissue and increases in muscle. Muscle burns more calories than fat, so retaining or building muscle when dieting can aid in weight loss.
Beets encourage muscle mass due to their high magnesium content and more muscle means more calories you burn – so beets encourage weight loss.
Red beetroot contains a compound called betaine, "which could help stop the buildup of fatty deposits in the liver", says Aikens. "Beet fibre has also been found to lower 'bad' LDL cholesterol - fats in the blood." Plus, a study showed that nitrates in beet juice help boost stamina by 16 per cent.
A study has also shown that consuming beetroot juice can boost stamina and could help extend exercising for as much as 16% longer. The nitrate found in beetroot juice results in a decrease in oxygen uptake, which makes exercise less tiring. Beets also contain Leucine, which helps with endurance and stamina which means you can exercise longer and burn more calories.

2. Sweet Potatoes

Some might think the words weight loss and potatoes don’t go hand in hand but the most people aren't aware of how sweet potatoes can aid weight loss. The high amount of dietary fiber, the low calorie content, and the high amount of water in sweet potatoes makes them an excellent food for weight loss.

High Fibre Content

High-fiber foods are another foolproof way to control hunger. Fiber is bulky, meaning that foods that contain high amounts of dietary fiber will take up a lot of room in your stomach. This helps to keep you feeling full for a long period of time, thereby preventing overeating.  Fiber is slow digesting. This means that it takes a long time for high fiber foods to leave your stomach and enter your digestive tract. This prevents overeating, thereby reducing the chances of high calorie intake and potential weight gain. 

High Water Content

The high amount of water that is found in sweet potatoes also helps you lose weight. Like fiber, water takes up a lot of room in your stomach. Therefore, eating foods that contain high amounts of water, such as sweet potatoes, will make you feel full and will prevent overeating and snacking between meals. This will help both in your weight loss goals and will also help you prevent the weight from coming back on.

Low Calorie Content

Sweet potatoes are relatively low in calories, which is also very important if you are trying to lose weight. One serving of sweet potatoes contains around 90-100 calories, while a higher calorie food like regular potatoes contain as many as 300-400 calories per serving. To reduce calorie intake, replacing high calorie snacks with sweet potatoes will prove effective.

Blood Sugar Control

Sweet potatoes are rich in carbohydrates, but they contain a compound that increases levels of adiponectin, the blood-sugar regulating hormone, in the body. Sweet potatoes have a relatively low glycemic index rating, which can also help prevent blood sugar spikes after you eat. Controlled blood sugars levels help eliminate sugary cravings when your blood sugar levels are low. To retain the low-glycemic properties of sweet potatoes, boil or steam them instead of roasting.

3. Parsnips

It is recommended that you eat parsnips if you are on a weight loss program or want to reduce cellulite. Parsnips are an amazing fat burning food. A high percentage of parsnips’ fiber is soluble, which is linked to a decreased risk of diabetes and high blood cholesterol.

Parsnips may seem like an exotic vegetable that is unfamiliar to many, but what they have to offer your diet is twofold: Their fiber content will make you feel full and their sweet taste will help alleviate hunger pangs, allowing you to faithfully stick to your true course toward weight-loss. Parsnips look like white-yellow carrots, and they boast a delightful flavor sweeter than carrots.

As a low-calorie option with high levels of soluble fiber, parsnips fill you up and prevent the release of ghrelin, which is a “hunger” hormone. This can significantly reduce your likelihood of snacking between meals and help you with your weight loss goals. Also, the optimized digestive processes help you eliminate waste and get your nutrient uptake into peak condition to get the healthiest nutrients from your food.

Diets that leave you hungry and unsatisfied don’t work. Cooked parsnips have approximately 3 grams of fiber per half cup to help you stay full and satisfied. Parsnips are starchy vegetables, so they are eaten in place of bread, rice, or other starchy foods.

4. Potatoes

Potatoes may be on the "bad food" list because they've been linked to weight gain. While it's true that potatoes ride the fence when you're trying to lose weight, preparation may be the culprit. However, if you are watching your weight, enjoy potatoes in moderate quantities and be careful of how you eat them (for example, butter and sour cream are high in fats. Reduced-fat natural yoghurt is a healthier choice).

It was once thought that the key to weight loss was eliminating all high-carbohydrate foods, including pasta, rice and potatoes. We now know that carbohydrates are the body's preferred energy source. Eating a potato, or any type of carbohydrate rich food, won't automatically make you fatter.
Potatoes have several properties that make them a perfect food, both for weight loss and optimal health. Eating potatoes prepared in healthy ways – (especially when eaten with the skin) baked, mashed (without extra cream and butter), boiled, roasted, steamed or stewed - will not add to your weight.
Potatoes are high in carbs, but they are three times as filling as a slice of white bread, and you will naturally feel full and eat less of other foods instead. A study out of the University of California, Davis (funded by the Potato Board) suggests that eating even a potato a day doesn’t sabotage weight loss so long as one is following a healthy calorie-controlled regimen.
One medium potato (5.3 ounces) has a surprisingly reasonable 110 calories. Plus, potatoes are also rich in Resistant Starch, which helps your body burn fat. If you boil the potatoes, then allow them to cool for a while, then they will form large amounts of resistant starch, a fiber-like substance that has been shown to have all sorts of health benefits… including weight loss.

5. Yams

Yams are often confused with sweet potatoes, but they are in fact completely unrelated. Yams are a starchiest of all the root vegetables, similar to sweet potatoes, but with a much lighter color flesh and a flavor that is typically not as sweet as sweet potatoes.

Yams are an excellent source of vitamin B-6 and potassium, vitamin C and fiber. With just 157 calories in a cup, yams can be an excellent food when you're trying to lose weight. In addition, the natural fiber in yams helps to slow down the rate your body processes sugar, keeping you from being hungry between meals. They have a low glycaemic index so they release their glucose slowly and steadily for a long-lasting energy boost. Their low fat content and high bulk per calorie means they are also very filling.

Yams can be prepared in a wide variety of dishes that are a delicious way to add this healthy vegetable to your diet. Yams contain many nutrients that make them a healthy addition to a weight loss meal plan. When creating weight loss meals, it is important to balance the fat and calorie content so that you stay within your daily goals. A sweet yam is a good choice.

Yams are a good source of fiber (especially when eaten with the skin), which helps lower cholesterol, reduce risk of type 2 diabetes, stabilize mood, and keep you feeling full, thereby helping with weight loss.

Fiber is a powerful tool for your weight loss arsenal because it bulks up in your stomach and digests slowly, leaving you feeling full for longer. In addition, yams are very low in fat and contain less than 200 calories per cup. A serving of either is a good addition to a meal that will help you refrain from reaching for unhealthy snacks between meals.

6. Carrots

If you want to lose weight and hate feeling hungry, try eating more carrots. They're mostly water and fiber to keep you hydrated and feeling full. You'll also get essential nutrients, such as vitamins A and K.

Carrots are a great choice if you are trying to lose weight. Carrots contains carotene, a form of Vitamin A, this carotene will start a fat flushing reaction in your system. This reaction will literally wash out fat and waste quickly. The carotene will be transformed into vitamin A in the intestines and this process will create a speed up in your metabolism and cause a reaction in your cells to remove fat deposits.

They're naturally low in calories and full of nutrients that can help your weight loss efforts. Not only carrots are loaded with vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, but they are also relatively fluid-dense. This means that they contain a lot of water, which is important to helping you feel full. In addition, carrots contain tons to fiber which, as described above, is essential in healthy weight loss. The fiber found within carrots is slow-digesting. This means that it takes a long time for it to leave the stomach, and therefore helps keep you feeling satiated.
Getting plenty of fiber can be a key to successful weight loss by preventing hunger. When you eat dietary fiber, it can swell in your digestive tract or add bulk in your intestines. The greater volume in your stomach means you feel full faster. In 1 cup of carrots, you'll get 3 grams of fiber. Most of it is soluble fiber that mixes with water to form a gel in your intestines. One benefit of this is better blood sugar regulation, which may prevent overeating. If your blood sugar drops too low, or crashes, you'll feel hungry and may overeat. Men need 30 to 38 grams of fiber per day and women need 21 to 25 grams.

7. Radish

Radish is cruciferous vegetable that is added to all kinds of dishes and salads and are often considered a type of garnish. Radish is crunchy, its filing and contains just 19 calories per cup! This makes radish an amazing weight loss food.  It is rich in potassium, vitamin B6 and vitamin C. with high water content and thus, it’s a great hydrating food. 
Radish is extremely low in calories, and the fibre content in it promotes satiety. A single 100g serving of raw radish contains just 16 calories, radish can be a part of any weight loss diet.

Not to forget that with tons fiber packed in this humble vegetable, it keeps you full for a longer time.  A half cup of radish contains 1 g of fiber, which is important for weight loss. It helps you lower your cholesterol and increases your fibre intake aiding in weight loss. Adding radishes to your diet can also promote weight loss if you combine this food with other positive meal choices.
Radishes scrub the mucous membrane of the body because it contains high levels of Iron and Magnesium. These minerals actually help to dissolve fat in the cells.

Raddish has a low glycemic index. The glycemic index of a food is based on how long it takes to break down and digest in the body. If a food has high glycemic index that means it will digest quickly and cause an increase in blood sugar after meal.

The body responds by secreting more insulin to counteract the high blood sugar. Too much insulin inhibits the fat-burning processes in the body, and may actually cause your body to store more fat. Eating foods that have a low glycemic index will help to maintain stable blood sugar patterns, avoiding the rapid rise and fall of insulin and glucose in the bloodstream.

Daikon radish is a wonderful food for healthy weight loss. One 7 inches long daikon radish has only about 60 calories, 5 g of fiber and almost zero fat. No wonder it is one of the most popular weight loss foods in Asia. It doesn’t matter if you have 5 pounds or 50 pounds to lose; the beneficial fibers in daikon radish can clean you out and keep you full for hours. The best part is you don’t need to work out for hours to burn off the calories.

8. Turnip

Turnips are also great for weight management.  The high-fibre content is what makes Turnips a healthy option as they are great at reducing cholesterol and keeps one satiated for a long time.
A very high water content means turnips are low in calories, which help to fill you up for longer - keeping hunger at bay, so they are a good choice if you're watching your weight. They are a reasonable source of vitamin C and fibre, and, if you eat the green tops, also of folic acid and beta carotene.
A salad, containing turnip, is a mighty weapon against surplus weight. It also satiates the hunger and has enormous healing properties. Turnips are high in fiber help to keep you feeling full longer and are also low in calories. Eating high fiber meals keep blood sugar stable.
The theory behind keeping your blood sugar balanced is that it can help you lose weight and improve your health, Substances that help keep your blood-sugar levels steady also help you control your appetite because they reduce your carbohydrate cravings, Controlling your cravings can translate to weight loss of two to four pounds per month without you making conscious alterations to your diet.

Foods that are high in fibre pass through the gut more quickly than some other foods. The fiber content in turnips also prevents constipation and promotes regularity for a healthy digestive tract. Regular, adequate bowel movements are crucial for the daily excretion toxins through the bile and stool.
Recent studies have shown that dietary fiber may play a role in regulating the immune system and inflammation, consequently decreasing the risk of inflammation-related conditions such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cancer, and obesity.

9. Garlic


Garlic contain phytochemicals that break down fatty deposits in the body while also breaking down cholesterol; kill viruses, bacteria and fungi; and protect against heart disease. Garlic is a strong natural antibiotic in chopped or chewed form. It helps reduce cholesterol and the risk of heart attacks as it prevents the forming of blood clots.

Garlic also contains anti-viral properties. It might make your breath smell a bit, but each clove of garlic is packed not just with toxin-battling antioxidants, but also a naturally occurring chemical called allicin. When digested, allicin reacts with the blood to create a product capable of killing off many harmful bacteria and viruses that your body may be harbouring – including in the digestive tract. 

Adding garlic to your food in fresh or powdered form might be able to help you metabolize carbohydrates and fats more efficiently. A healthy gut it essential for achieve a flatter tummy – try adding a few raw cloves to your food just before serving to get the most out of it. Use in food season to taste. Tea: for six hours, steep six cloves in a cup of cool water.

10. Onions

Onion is another medicinal plants suited to help us lose weight. Familiar characteristic of the onion helped with weight loss are: purifying is therefore accelerates the intestinal is diuretic, for which stimulates the renal system, preventing fluid retention, and finally controls the operation of the system tract.
Raw onions have the property to break down stagnated fats. It activates the metabolism and helps to lose weight. So it is suggested that, have some raw onion with your meals. For the onions retain their properties as cash is eaten raw, with it you can make teas, smoothies, salads and juices.

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Natural Fitness Tips

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