Breast cancer is a malignancy that begins in breast cells. The most common type, invasive ductal carcinoma, starts in one of the breast's milk ducts and can then spread elsewhere in the breast, as well as potentially reaching other parts of the body through the blood or lymphatic systems. Breast cancer is a pervasive, potentially deadly disease that strikes both women and men. It is a curable disease condition if it is detected in early stages. In general, treatment for breast cancer relies on some combination of surgery, chemotherapy and radiation. 
Treatments such as chemotherapy can affect your appetite, cause changes in taste and have a range of side effects such as sore mouth, nausea and diarrhoea. Afterward, women may be advised to take additional drugs to reduce the risk of a recurrence. One of the most powerful tools to preventing breast cancer is what you put in your body. Nutritional science offers one of the greatest hopes in the fight against breast cancer, and following this science is a critical, proactive role all women can take. The good news is that research has confirmed time and time again that certain foods can be looked at as sources of preventative medicine. The following are powerhouse foods and nutrients you need to keep your breasts healthy.


Anti-inflammatory diet combats breast cancer

A diet high in unhealthy fat, sugar, calories and processed foods can lead to obesity, but following a poor diet, even for people who are at a healthy weight, can lead to breast cancer. A poor diet can be defined as one that increases inflammation and it is inflammation that is the driving force behind breast cancer as well as most other chronic diseases. A healthy diet high in fresh fruits and vegetables and fatty fish will not only help with weight loss, more important, it will mediate inflammation throughout the body.To help minimize weight gain and move toward a healthy body weight, your dietitian may recommend an anti-inflammatory. An anti-inflammatory diet is low in animal fat and processed foods while full of vegetables, fruits, and other fiber-rich foods.


There is evidence that certain types of fat, such as saturated fats, may increase cancer risk. Other types of fat, such as monounsaturated fats, omega-3 fatty acids, and other polyunsaturated fats reduce cancer risk. Research suggests that omega-3s enhance overall well-being and are particularly important for breast health. One reason may be because omega-3s reduce inflammation, a condition that damages healthy tissue and can encourage cells – including cancer cells – to grow. Omega-6s, on the other hand, are known to increase inflammation. Reduce your intake of vegetable oils high in omega-6 fatty acids. Major sources of omega-6 fatty acids include palm, soybean, rapeseed, and sunflower oils. Studies have shown that women with a higher intake of olive oil have less breast cancer and high consumption of omega-3-rich fatty fish is associated with a reduced risk of breast cancer for pre- and post-menopausal women. Omega-3s have even shown promise in boosting the effects of breast cancer treatment. Omega-3 fats, found in cold-water fish (especially wild salmon and sardines), freshly ground flaxseed, white chia seeds and walnuts have also been associated with inhibiting the growth of breast tumors. Consider taking 2 grams of a good fish oil supplement daily. Keep in mind that whole foods are always a better choice than supplements; make sure to get 3-4 servings per week!
Researchers have found that both soluble and insoluble fiber reduce the risk of breast cancer, especially for women consuming upwards of 30 grams a day. There is some evidence that diets containing more than 30 gm of fiber per day reduce the risk of breast cancer in pre menopausal women. Eating wheat bran fiber has been found to lower the levels of estrogen in the blood in women who have not yet had their menopause. Lower levels of estrogen may help to reduce the risk of breast cancer and promote appropriate weight loss. High fiber diets contain less fat and more antioxidants than low fiber diets, thereby reducing the risk of breast cancer. High fiber intakes may have a positive benefit by altering hormonal actions of breast cancer and other hormonal-dependent cancers. Daily fiber intake should be 25 to 35 grams of insoluble and soluble fiber.

Cruciferous Vegetables

To help make estrogen less harmful, your dietitian may encourage you to eat more cruciferous vegetables. Cruciferous vegetables such as arugula, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, brussels sprouts, bok choy and kale are rich in sulforaphane – one of the primary phytochemicals (protective compounds found in plants) that helps prevent cancer. Sulforaphane can selectively target and kill cancer cells while leaving normal cells healthy and unaffected.


Eating foods rich in carotenoids have been linked to a reduced risk of breast cancer recurrence.Carotenoids are organic colourings (pigments) found in some plants. Foods that are good sources of carotenoids include carrots, sweet potatoes, spinach, kale, greens, papaya, bell peppers, and tomatoes. A summary of published studies has shown that women with higher levels of carotenoids in blood samples may have a lower risk of breast cancer.

Phytochemicals Lower Risk of Breast Cancer

Eating lots of vegetables and fruits reduces the risk of some types of cancer; they contain cancer-protective phytochemicals. Phytochemicals are a wide range of compounds made by plants. Some have either antioxidant or hormone-like actions. Fruits, vegetables and whole grains are known to contain phytochemicals with antioxidant, anti estrogen and chemo preventive properties that may prevent cancer. We recommend five or more servings of fruit and vegetables daily. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables that are high in polyphenols, particularly ones that have lots of color like pomegranates, berries, winter squash, and leafy greens. These super foods are known to have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects. Whole grains are unprocessed foods that are high in complex carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins, minerals and phytochemicals.

Folate-Rich Foods

A recent study found that women with the highest folate levels had a 44% lower risk of breast cancer than those with the lowest folate levels. The recommended daily allowance of folate -- about 400 micrograms --To help protect yourself, you need to consume 1-2 servings of folate-rich foods a day. There is a wide range of folate-rich foods so it won’t be difficult to get to this number. Lentils, beans, certain fruits, leafy greens and fortified cereals are all good sources.

Vitamin D Rich Foods

To help maintain healthy bones, immune function, and minimize side effects from some treatments, your dietitian may recommend testing your Vitamin D level. This fat-soluble vitamin which helps absorb calcium to build strong teeth and bones may also build protection against cancer. Researchers suggest that vitamin D curbs the growth of cancerous cells may also build protection against cancer. A report of AACR showed a link between increased vitamin D intake and reduced breast cancer risk. It found vitamin D to lower the risk of developing breast cancer by up to 50%. Vitamin D is not available in as many foods as other antioxidant vitamins. You can get vitamin D from two natural sources: through the skin, and from the diet. Natural sources include saltwater and fatty fish, such as herring salmon, tuna, mackerel, sardines and fish liver oil. Other sources are shrimps, liver, egg yolks, cheese, soy and rice beverages, fortified orange juice, margarine and milk with vitamin D. some mushrooms are loaded with vitamin D3.
Vitamin D3 has been proven in many studies to be extremely valuable for maximum bone health. Without vitamin D3, your bones will become fragile; Sun exposure is the easiest way for your body to get access to vitamin D3. Vitamin D is sometimes called the sunshine vitamin because your body produces a critical form of vitamin D -- vitamin D3 -- when your skin is exposed to sunlight. Ultraviolet radiation from the sun stimulates production of vitamin D3 in human skin, and just a few minutes (15 minutes a day is generally enough) of exposure to sunlight each day (without sunscreen) will insure your body is producing adequate amounts of vitamin D3 to sustain itself.

Soy Foods

To combat fatigue, your dietitian may recommend high-protein snacks and small, frequent meals rather than large meals. They may work with you and your care team to help you find ways to stay active to help reduce fatigue. Soy foods are an excellent source of protein and can be a good option for meals without meat. Soy contains many phytochemicals, some of which have weak estrogen activity and seem to protect against hormone-dependent cancers in animal studies. Other compounds in soy have antioxidant properties and may have anticancer effects. Soy foods contain many cancer-protective substances and also appear to possess anti-estrogenic effects.
In some studies, eating phyto oestrogens, chemicals found in plants (soya flour and linseed supplements) regularly over several weeks reduced oestrogen levels. One of the active ingredients in soya is isoflavone.  This chemical is similar to oestrogen and reduces the effect of human oestrogen in the body. High levels of human oestrogen can increase breast cancer risk.
Eat one serving of whole soy foods a day. Regular, moderate consumption of whole soy foods early in life influences development of breast tissue in ways that appear to reduce risk. The American Cancer Society is more cautious in its recommendations, noting that while soy is good source of alternative protein, "women with breast cancer should take in only moderate amounts" and not ingest soy-containing pills, powders or supplements containing high amounts of isoflavones.

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